Buy Methylcyclopentadiene Online | Methylcyclopentadiene For Sale

The three isomers of methylcyclopentadienyl are cyclic dialkenes of the general formula C5MeH5. They are found in nature as minor constituents of the hydrolases of papaya and coffee beans and can be prepared by pyrolysis of dicyclopentadiene. Methylcyclopentadiene is an organic compound with the formula CH3. This colorless liquid is used as a reagent and precursor to other organometallic compounds. Buy methyl-cyclopentane online

Product Feature

  • It is a high-efficiency gasoline antiknock agent with high purity, high flash point, and convenient transportation.
  • The additional amount is small, the anti-knock performance is high, and the economic benefit is good, which can reduce the emission of harmful components in the vehicle exhaust.
  • Not only can it help refineries improve gasoline product grades, but also increase the production of high-grade gasoline.
  • The mechanism of action of gasoline antiknock agent is similar to that of tetraethyl lead, that is, it is decomposed into particles of active manganese oxide under combustion conditions.
  • As a result, the concentration of peroxides in the pre-flame reaction is reduced, the rate of energy release is slowed down, and the anti-knock performance of the fuel is improved.

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